SCI-FI: Christmas Eve. Dr Gideon Parr is summoned to an asylum to check on a patient. A patient who claims to be haunted by a terrible curse. A patient who claims to be Queen Victoria.
The Third Doctor and companion Jo Grant are joined by Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, Sargent Benton and Liz Shaw across two new full-cast adventures.
Four original, stand-alone audio adventures about the Tenth Doctor and his companions, with each story covering a different part of the Tenth Doctor’s timeline from his earliest adventures with Rose Tyler, through to companions Martha Jones and Donna Noble.
The Counter Measures team investigate a scientist who is experimenting with cloning, mind control, and a threat from a foe who doesn’t exist in our reality.
Two original full-cast audio plays set in Jon Pertwee’s era of Doctor Who, as The Doctor and his companion, Jo Grant, face old enemies and new.