Quick witted and ungainliness is the central hallmark of The Tea Tree Players new show Rookery Nook. A blisteringly quick script and a rapid succession of entries and exits gives the audience everything they would expect from a British farce.
Ben Crocker’s Puss In Boots is a tale loved by all ages, and Director Robert Andrews has lead a fine cast of Tea Tree Players regulars and newcomers, all clearly enjoying the audience participation and mischief of a Pantomime
Ben Crocker’s The Sleeping Beauty is a well-known tale but this time it’s with a twist, full of fun songs and comedy for all ages to enjoy.
Every year Tea Tree Players mount their end-of-year Christmas pantomime and this year, for their 40th year, they are presenting Robinson Crusoe.
Frank Vickery's play about miscommunication is absolutely hilarious.
This holiday pantomime is uproariously hilarious, stunningly colourful, flows smoothly, and boasts a great eighties theme to the selection of songs!