Vinnies is asking South Aussies to get behind their campaign to Gift a Night to the increasing amount of people living on the streets.
Residents from the ACH Group residential care homes are running their community initiative for the second year, and are looking for eager knitters and donations.
Following the end of Jobkeeper and cuts to Jobseeker, Vinnies is calling for donations to help support the rising number of people experiencing or at risk of homelessness, including children.
There are still cash grants available for cash-strapped farmers, farm workers and others who are living with drought or the impact of the worst drought in living memory.
For the first time, business and community leaders across Australia will unite for a national online sleepout on 18 June to raise essential funds for Vinnies’ homelessness services.
Farming households across South Australia, including the Barossa, are being encouraged to apply for up to $3,000 in drought support.
The six-course menu promises to put a twist on some Australian classics, paired with Maxwell's fantastic wine, alongside an auction.
A list of services to support families affected by bushfires in South Australia and Australia.
Here's a list of all the bushfire affected wineries in the Adelaide Hills that you can help this Christmas.
Welcome the newest addition to Whitmore Square - Cafe Outside The Square. Slip under the vine-covered verandah, remnants of the once renowned Iliad Greek restaurant, to find Adelaide's biggest hearted cafes.
Here's the incentive you've been waiting for to get off your ass and donate those winter goods you've kept aside for those in need.
The St Vincent de Paul Society in South Australia has launched its Vinnies SA Bushfire Appeal, calling for financial donations who need it most.
Over the Christmas period, the St Vincent de Paul Society (SA) provides over 50% of the total assistance provided to South Australian families in need. Be a part of the 2014 Vinnies Christmas Appeal.
2013 marks the 19th year that the Motorcycle Riders’ Association (MRA) has invited Vinnies to be a part of their annual Toy Run.
The St Vincent de Paul Society SA will launch its 2013 Winter Appeal tomorrow and challenge Australians to take a positive stand against poverty by doing something about it this winter.
So far, 44 South Australian CEOs have registered to spend a night sleeping rough as part of St Vincent de Paul's CEO Sleepout on June 17th 2010.