Two women, close friends in their youth, have been out of touch for years. They meet again in an extreme but strangely sweet situation.
When brilliant surgeon Dr Strange is injured in a car accident, his career is over & when western medicine fails him, he seeks mystical healing & becomes a hero.
Set in Hollywood in 1951, a major studio "fixer" has to sort out the mess when their top star is kidnapped from the set of a high-budget, Jesus-drama.
When a rock star & her partner escape to Italy to recover from throat surgery, their romantic getaway is disrupted by the arrival of her formal lover & his daughter.
When a global-warming experiment nearly wipes out all life on earth, its the few remaining inhabitants struggle to survive aboard a train called Snowpiercer.
Like most who watch director Wes Anderson’s finely tuned onscreen imaginings, the audience for Tuesday night’s Moonrise Kingdom was fixated on a world of whimsy, hope and desperation. The fact the two main characters were aged 12, and grown men were literally misty-eyed over the star-crossed love story between two preteens was a testament to Moonrise’s dedication to its beauty and fragility.