SCI-FI: A new set of audio stories from the Fourth Doctor Adventures.
Fourth Doctor Tom Baker stars in two full-cast audio adaptations of early Dr Who comic strips first published in the Doctor Who Weekly magazine.
The Doctor, K-9 and their new companion, Anne Kelso, track down the Sinestrans on the planet Kembel.
Tom Baker’s Fourth Doctor returns with a new companion to face the Sinestran race and a much bigger conspiracy to rule the galaxy.
Professor River Song meet a race known as the Discordia - time-travelling bandits with little regard to the laws of time. Looking like demons, they go around changing history to suit their needs and it seems as though River is the only one who notices. Things only get worse when one of them develops a crush on her.
The Fourth Doctor and Leela face four more full-cast audio adventures, including the return of fan-favourite villain Sutekh from the classic TV storyline, The Pyramids of Mars.
The 4th Doctor, Leela and K-9 face four new adventures, featuring the original television cast and including a direct sequel to 1977's 'The Robots Of Death'.