This musical has been eagerly awaited by amateur companies and with good reason; it has the fantastic ABBA music and a good script from the book by Catherine Johnson.
An Eighties movie turned into a musical, a chance to revisit big hair, big shoulder pads and misogynist values, what more could you want?
Therry’s production of Andrew Lippa’s musical version of 'Big Fish' follows the father-son story of a man whose tales are larger than life.
Audiences never seem to tire of The Sound of Music. It continues to please no matter how many times it has been performed and the G&S Society do it justice.
Based on the classic Louisa May Alcott novel set during and after the American Civil War, this is a musical adaptation with a heart that has been lacking in many musicals of late.
Every song is pitch-perfect while Michelle Nightingale's accompanist, Matthew Carey, does not miss a beat.