The comical story of Daisy, an 11yo who is forced to go to Toadspit Towers by her grandmother (a witch) even though Daisy insists she's an actress, not a witch.
In the final volume of the Under the Moon trilogy, two brothers join forces with an inexperienced witch in a final battle against their family's nemesis.
After breaking an evil witch's spell, a family is cursed for generations as she vindictively lets the family line continue but kills everyone else in it.
Two white witches are torn apart when one of them fall in love with a former Dark Knight and begins to be seduced by power and black magic.
Something is rotten in the olde English town of Faerburn. Built upon sour ground, the town has been the location for a myriad of slaughters from pre-history on.
Set 3 days after the climactic events of season 1, Elena is out for revenge but a greater threat is surfacing as witches make themselves known to the werewolves.
In 1630, a family is banished from a town for their religious beliefs. When their youngest son vanishes, they learn a witch stalks the nearby forest.