MILITARY HISTORY: This is the true story of a young Australian soldier whose life of opportunity was challenged by trauma and salvaged by strength.
Presented by Of Auburn Troupe Reviewed 23 February 2022 Of Auburn, directed by Lisa Harper-Campbell, explores the emotional reality of life through World War One. Nic Conway depicts Australian poet CJ Dennis, and Clare Mansfield the voices of various nurses and mothers, against the backdrop of historical photographs and lines of poetry projected onto the […]
With the upcoming anniversary of World War One this is a timely production and covering an oft-forgot section of the people who suffered through those dark days. Based firmly in the Adelaide Hills it reminds us of the difficulties faced not only by the men who marched away but also those who were left behind.
Private Peaceful, is adapted from the novel by Michael Murpurgo and through reminiscences tells the story of the life of a young WWI soldier, on the last night of his life.
Jack is a member of the military brigade that stayed on in France and Belgium for several years after the Armistice to recover bodies and body parts, identify them if possible, and give them honourable burial or reburial.