This week marks the start of Tarnanthi Festival of Contemporary Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art in Adelaide. This inaugural festival will see Tandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute host two important events – Tarnanthi Art Fair and Tarnanthi Textiles.
More than 40 art centres from across Australia will be represented at the Fair on the Festival’s opening weekend at Tandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute. Festival-goers will have a rare opportunity to buy works of art priced from $50 and more than $10,000 directly from artists and art centres at Adelaide’s first national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Fair. This event is co-programed with the Festival for Design and Architecture.
Friday 9 October 5 – 9pm
Saturday 10 October 10am – 6pm
This dynamic exhibition will be a rare opportunity for audiences to experience, in one location, the diversity of styles and highly skilled textile work currently being created by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists throughout Australia.
Some of the names involved include Ananguku Arts (APY Lands), Babbarra Designs, Bula’bula Arts Aboriginal Corporation, Erub Arts, Injalak Arts and Crafts Association, Mardbalk Arts and Crafts Centre, Merrepen Arts, Nagula Jarndu, Papulankutja Artists, Tiwi Designs and Wadeye Palngun Wurnangat.
17 Oct – 5 Dec
Exhibition Opening Weekend Only 9am – 5pm
Mon to Sat 9am – 4pm
Tandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute
Kaurna Country
253 Grenfell Street, Adelaide
Both of these amazing events are free and everyone is welcome and encouraged to go and check it all out!