The Leukaemia Foundation’s Light the Night Lantern Walk will hit Adelaide, Mount Gambier, Victor Harbor and Halidon tonight as South Australia’s blood cancer community unites.
More than 3000 people are expected to gather in Victoria Square tonight holding glowing lanterns of Gold – to remember, Blue – to support, and white to signify their own personal cancer journeys.
The event will start at 6pm and will include entertainment by Adelaide band Wasabi along with a large selection of food trucks. The general public is encouraged to attend and to buy a lantern for $20 to help support the Leukaemia Foundation.
The lantern walk will begin at around 8pm following a moving ceremony, with a sea of people and lanterns leaving the square to walk along Wakefield, Pulteney and Flinders Streets.
Light the Night events will also be held in Mount Gambier, Victor Harbor, and Halidon tonight – joining more than 35,000 people across Australia at more than 130 Light the Night events.
On the night, attendees hold gold lanterns to remember loved ones lost to blood cancer and white lanterns if they’ve been diagnosed themselves. Blue lanterns are proudly raised by friends, family, workmates and the wider community.
WHERE: Victoria Square
DATE: Friday October 6th
Join an event near you and reserve your lantern at
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