Presented by The Therry Dramatic Society Inc
Reviewed 7 November 2013
Corpse!… a very appropriate name for this comedy–thriller play, as we were surrounded by them!
Set in 1930s Britain, the house music of the era as I approached the velvet red curtains to my seat really helped set the tone for this very funny play (written by Gerald Moon) and directed by the talented Norman Caddick. It is the story of two brothers whom have a very different opinion of each other (both characters played brilliantly by Adam Tuominen), the delightful landlady Mrs McGee (Sue Wylie), and the charismatic Major Ambrose Powell (Peter Davies) whom has a somewhat interesting history. There was also a small but nonetheless important role played by Simon Lancione as the arm of the law.
Like most of these cleverly-written plays, you do really have to pay attention to follow the plot, but I did quite enjoy the use of the stage design (credits go to Nick Spottiswoode and his team) and also the use of the props, particularly in the kitchen during the first of this two Act story.
Listening to the comments from the crowd at interval was somewhat entertaining as they came up with a theory for this and an opinion on that. The atmosphere was certainly pleasant and made for a fun night out.
Reviewed by Brett A.Trimboli
Venue: The Arts theatre, 53 Angus St, Adelaide
Season: 7 – 16 November 2013
Tickets: $11.00 – $25.00
Bookings: BASS or VenueTix
Photo supplied by Therry Dramatic Society