Presented by Lydian Productions
Reviewed 6 October 2016
Andrew Lippa is known as the composer of The Addams Family, but the name is not familiar to many. With Tom Geenwald, Lippa is responsible for the latest new piece of musical theatre to reach Adelaide. Musical Director, Martin Cheney, discovered this delightful piece and formed a new company to bring it to Adelaide audiences. Director Karen Sheldon has shared his passion and guided the performance with an experienced hand, exposing the emotion with sensitivity and care.
The small music ensemble of Chris Neale (percussion) and Sebastian Mansell (Cello) with Cheney on piano gives the piece an orchestral sound, perfectly balanced. Very occasionally the volume on the microphones could have been increased to prevent the loss of some words, but overall the audio and lights were well handled.
The two players are Katie Packer as Jen and Lindsay Prodea playing her brother John. These actors not only have to sing most of the script, but they have to run the gamut of ages and emotions. The time span of the production covers the 1950’s to the early 90’s and encompasses birth, death and all that’s in between. The authors have not shied away from the hard topics and all is treated with care and respect.
Packer gives a feisty performance as older sister, Jen, trying to protect her younger brother. There are hints of domestic violence and an overbearing father that she stands against. She shows the young Jen with all the insecurity and questioning that we recognise from our own teenage years. As her younger sibling John, Prodea gives a fine performance allowing the audience to witness his growth from a timid five year old to a young man ready to take on the world.
This is the premiere performance of this work in South Australia, and we should be grateful to these passionate people for bringing it to us and encourage such wonderful undertakings. There are 5 performances remaining: please support this production. It deserves full houses.
Reviewed by Fran Edwards
Twitter: @franeds
Venue: Concordia College, 24 Winchester St. Highgate
Season: October 6, 8, 11, 13, 15 @ 8pm October 9 @ 3pm
Duration: 2hr 15mins
Tickets: Adult $32, Conc $27, Child $22 (0-12)
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