Presented by Therry Dramatic Society
Reviewed 3 Nov 2016
Ken Ludwig’s fast moving farce, Leading Ladies, is Therry’s latest offering, and it is all the things a farce should be; slick, over the top, far fetched and above all funny! Jude Hines direction is spot-on and uses Stanley Tuck’s delightful set to full advantage. Sandra Davies’ costumes flatter and allow the men to get away with cross-dressing without being too girly.
The plot revolves around two British actors in the wilds of rural Pennsylvania who are down on their luck. After reading about a dying heiress who is searching for long-lost relatives from England, they decide to impersonate the missing nephews, only to discover that the nephews are nieces!
The two guys who find themselves in deeper than they imagined are played, to the hilt, by Patrick Clements (Maxine/Leo Clark) and Jock Dunbar (Stephanie/Jack Gable). These two work well together and have terrific comic timing. Laura Antoniazzi who plays it straight with sincerity and gullibility brings the niece they are hoping to share the inheritance with, Meg, to us. As her clerical fiancé, Duncan Wooley, Steve Marvanek is perfectly cast, full of suspicion and outrage.
Mollie Mooney is a delight as Audrey, the ditzy help; so many great lines, so well delivered. Tim Blackshaw and Aled Proeve join in the fun as Doc Meyers and his son Butch. Proeve also makes a cameo appearance as a Moose (as in Lodge member). The inimitable Penni Hamilton-Smith as the dying heiress completes the cast. Hamilton-Smith is at her best taking every liberty the script allows.
The unexpected tango, choreographed by Rose Vallen, was well executed and added to the hilarity. WE all know that laughter is the best medicine and I recommend you take a trip to the Arts theatre and get a big dose of merriment to fix what ails you.
Reviewed by Fran Edwards
Twitter: @franeds
Venue: Arts Theatre, Angas St
Season:3 Nov– 12 Nov 2016
Duration: 2hr 20mins
Tickets: Adult $27, Conc $22, Chid 12
Bookings: 8410 5515 or
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