She’s heading to Adelaide with her comedic partner in crime, Ellen Briggs (see our interview here) for their high-larious show Women Like Us… But before they get here, Mandy wanted to lend us a little bit of her wisdom about tattoos and kids (but of course). So why are our kids covered in tattoos? Here is the story as told by Mandy Nolan herself:
‘This whole cover yourself with tattoos business was seeded by overly friendly bank tellers with a busy bee stamper’ she says. ‘Remember when you had to put your toddler up on the ledge to do your banking and their compliance was rewarded with a fairy or dinosaur stamp on the back of each hand? Remember how this simple act would render your child mute in sheer wonderment at the prospect of an actual drawing existing on their skin? Well that’s where I believe it all started! Fast forward over a decade and those same kids are lining up for the sleeve. The whole stamp on the hand was the gateway tattoo. It wouldn’t surprise me if the banks weren’t in on the tattoo craze. If tellers weren’t also moonlighting as tattoo artists. Perhaps the more forward thinking amongst them have even invested in laser tattoo removal studios.’
Her advice to parents? Save your kids the trauma of a tattoo removal and say ‘no’ next time some patronising bank official says ‘Would you like a stamp on your hand for being a good boy?’ Say ‘No, he’d prefer a term deposit.’
More everyday wisdoms are available from author and comedian Mandy Nolan when she appears with Ellen Briggs in Women Like Us at the Adelaide Fringe Festival.
When: Wednesday 24 February – Saturday 27 February.
Time: 7pm
Where: The Store, 157 Melbourne St, Nth Adelaide
Tickets: All tix $25
Chosen by BankSA, the major sponsor partner of the Fringe, in their Support Act Program, there are limited $10 tickets available for early birds to purchase – all other tickets are $25.