When we heard about this event we just had to send our resident Fleurieu region expert, Lisa from A Felurieu Affair, on the mission to give it a go. You will understand as you read on…
When I read about ‘Breathe In the Vines’, an event put on on Breath Events, I saw the words outdoor yoga. Okaaaaay. Then I saw Fox Creek Winery and my eyes lit up a little. Continue down and it said coffee from Humble Grounds… There will be a picnic. Well that means food so I am there. But then the clincher…. WINE! Sold.
Now I must admit that I am about as flexible as a concrete slab. So I figured for the yoga part, at least, if nothing else, I would provide some light entertainment for others.
Active wear. Check. New yoga mat. Check Sunscreen. Check. Tummy ready for food and wine. Most certainly check.
With the grounds of Fox Creek’s magical Cellar Door full of up to 150 people, from beginners, to seasoned yogis, there was definitely a sense of excitement. Everyone placing their mat down on the luscious green lawn, surrounded by vineyards, chatting, warming up, and smiling; it was lovely.
Before the downward dogging began, the unusually warm November morning started off with some ukulele tunes and vocals by Dani Yells. Sipping on Green Juice from Maxwell’s Grocery and what can only be described as deeeeelicious coffee by From Humble Grounds (all local and amazing small businesses), I was ready to get my yoga on. Watch out!
Now excuse my lack of yoga knowledge and terminology, but I would break down the yoga session into 3 parts. We started off with a slower, more relaxing warm up, led by the beautiful and lovely Kristin from Fleurieu Yoga. Focussed on breathing, letting go of anything negative, and getting in the yoga mood! Very calming.
Next, was a more intense, blood-pumping style, led by the hilarious and down to earth Claire from Salt Yoga. Holding more challenging moves, for longer, I was sweating like the proverbial and very impressed by what great exercise it was!
After that workout it was back to Kristen, to wind back down, calm, and stretch. And Breathe! Her soothing words and yoga practice just about put me to sleep (in a good way)!
We were then treated to an amazing sound bath. This was another new experience for me, and I was amazed how lying on your back, eyes closed, and surrendering yourself to simply breathe and listen can really shut out the world around you. It felt reeeeeally good.
As we were gently brought out of our cathartic state, it was time to refresh and time to picnic (the part we were looking forward to most – obviously)!
Everyone was treated to an individual picnic box, containing locally sourced goodies, including cheeses, crackers, olives, dried fruit, strawberries, and bread. To accompany the goodies, we got to choose from an assortment of Fox Creek wines, which we drank from in our very own Breathe take-home stemless wine glass.
Enjoyed on picnic rugs, cushions, stools, under the blissful shade of Fox Creek’s leafy trees, the atmosphere was gorgeous.
The message from the organisers was “come as you are” and “breathe”. Well I certainly did that, and I’m converted.
Breathe yoga events are going to become a regular thing, and will move around to other cool destinations. Follow Breathe Events on Facebook to find out more about their upcoming events.
On a side note; You really, really, really should make a visit to Fox Creek Winery. Besides the fast that it is super pretty, their wines are amazingly tasty. We should know we are basically experts.
Follow Lisa and her glorious Fleurieu adventures on Facebook and Instagram.
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