Presented by Wings2Fly
Reviewed 5 Oct 2019
This interesting piece written by Julia Brownell gives us six short scenes introducing the contestants for a spelling completion. Each one establishes the home environment and the backgrounds of these young folk. All of the participants take on their characters well and develop relationships with each other. Whether playing adult or student each was believable.
The simple set required frequent changing but this was achieved with little disruption and involved the entire cast. Directors Michelle Nightingale and Alicia Zorkovic kept this production tight and considering the short rehearsal period it was a very polished production. Zorkovic’s set design and Nightingale’s costumes all worked well. There is good reason for the company to be proud of what they achieve in just six days.
I won’t comment on individual performance as all were good and to discuss differences would be counter productive but I will say that Alex Lang, Evie Harris, Georgie Eyres, Gracie Manifold, James Walters and Lauren Jones did well to remember all those words for spelling. Similarly, Ania Nicholson, Astrid Teague, Byron Jeffery, Isabelle Braun, Kiara Ting, Lauren Davidson, Millie Rook, Natalie Lockyer, Sienna Turner and especially Harriet Berry as Grandma Matthews, were all great as parents, family and support.
Some great work for the participants and an entertaining production for the audience: object achieved.
Reviewed by Fran Edwards
Twitter: @franeds
One day only – season ended
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