A lot of blog and column inches have been dedicated to the iPad, but in pure self indulgent blogger style I’m having my 2 cents ($629RRP).
After some initial doubts I’ve been really looking forward to the the release of the iPad. It’s not exciting from a purely technical standpoint as tablet devices have been around for some time and it’s specs are modest. What Apple have done is package it well and make this a really elegant and desirable device. I can see iPad esque devices permeating our lives over the next couple of years with one sitting on most coffee tables or kitchen benches around the home. I’m sure my incredibly un-techno savvy dad would enjoy reading the English newspaper on one, and mum could cart her internet sourced recipes into the kitchen with new found ease.
What the iPad does is break down barriers. No longer is it one person using a device, we can now have equal control and share the experience. This is a massive game changer in the way we interact with online and digital information.
Given my enthusiasm I braved the early morning cold and prepared to battle the hoards for a chance to be one of the first in Adelaide to have an iPad…
6:30AM – Bleary eyed and surprising first to arrive at next byte in Rundle Mall, I was hoping for some die hard Mac fanboys who had been camping all night to validate my enthusiasm, but alas I am left feeling like a bit of an over eager loser!
7:30am – After a lonely cold hour of waiting I’m joined by a friendly crowd of 10 other keen iPad hopefuls. I’m sizing them up, just in case frenzy ensues!
I reckon I can take the kid, but the mum’s enthusiasm scares me…
7:55am – Next Byte employees inform us that they have no stock.. next stop JB Hifi
8:15am – Myer employees come past telling us that they have lots of iPads and are open for business.
8:25am – Got one in my hot little hand…
First impressions of the device are exactly as I expected and there are plenty of online reviews to give you more info. Suffice to say it’s very cool and we already have some great uses for it here at the LightBulb Digital offices!