Tight, tough, and darkly funny
A moving and funny story about sisters and the secrets they keep
A potted history of The Guardian alongside Rusbridger’s own journalistic career, primarily looking at the massive disruption of traditional journalism by the digital revolution, particularly when he was editor there from 1995 to 2015.
Midnight Oil frontman, parliamentarian and campaigner Peter Garrett, celebrated author of Captain Corelli's Mandolin Louis de Bernières, Pulitzer Prize winning Australian novelist Geraldine Brooks and renowned philosopher AC Graying will be the next four writers travelling to Adelaide for out-of-season Writers’ Week events.
This work missed the mark badly, not helped by many technical issues. It relies a little too much 'on the kindness of strangers'.
This is one for your diary and it would be wise to book soon, as patrons are being very positive in their comments and word is spreading fast.