Full of the sensual danger its title promises, Passion is one of DePalma’s best. He is still as fearless as he was when he started out. His latest is highly recommended.
Kon-Tiki is a strong effort worth checking. Lovers of true-life tales should find much to enjoy with the actions of the sea-bound crew as inspiring as the adventure they led.
One of the most self-indulgent films ever made, Charles Swann is often hard-going. Sheen and company appear to have lots of fun with the wacky script but unfortunately, viewing their performances isn’t nearly as good.
A slice of history worth investigating, Emperor is an enlightening look at pragmatism and moving on from a harsh past.
Winner of several awards, Amour tells the story of a retired couple steadfastly refusing to surrender to illness. The sensitive direction continually engages, wisely downplaying any false sentimentality.
The release dates of 'The Railway Man' and 'Tracks', two landmark Australian films have been announced, featuring some the best actors working in the world today.