Film & TV

Film Review: The Call


The-Call-Hayley-BerryEmergency help-line operators sometimes need nerves of steel. Dealing with dangerous situations on a daily basis, their gift for accurate instant information is vital. No occurrence is the same which is something The Call explores. Although still primarily a typical pop-corn thriller, it has substance. It also gives Halle Berry one of her best roles in a long time, with her luck in choosing dodgy roles hopefully changing.

Working as a 911 emergency operator, Jordan Turner (Halle Berry) is prepared for any event. When receiving a call from a girl being attacked by a serial killer, Jordan’s skills are sorely tested. After a devastating outcome, her worst fears are realised when the killer strikes again. This time another girl, Casey (Abigail Breslin) pleads for help. Determined not to fail again, Jordan does her duty in attempting to save the life of someone in the face of deadly adversity.

Despite hanging its story on an increasingly absurd psycho-on-the-loose motif, The Call has interesting moments. Most of them occur between Jordan and Casey who are forced to develop a close relationship. Helping each other overcome horrors from the past and present, both must craft a connection in order to escape their current dilemma. The two leads’ performances create believability even as events spiral out of control.

As the script moves away from Jordan’s determined heroine and onto the machinations of the killer, things go awry. The over-acting by Michael Eklund as the villain negates the authenticity the film initially achieves. The way his character eludes the police strains credibility to breaking point. These elements turn what could have been an arresting movie into a run of the mill yarn. By the conclusion it’s on auto-pilot with the various revelations laughable.

Although admirably revealing some aspects of what they go through, The Call doesn’t quite give the respect help-line operators deserve. As mindless entertainment it works although its early promise hangs up as fast as a bad phone call.

Patrick Moore

Rating out of 10: 5


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