
R U OK? Are they really okay? Ask them today.

It’s R U OK? day, and with the world currently turned upside down by the pandemic, there’s no better time than the present to ask.

It’s R U OK? day, and with the world currently turned upside down by the pandemic, there’s no better time than the present to ask.

Even more specifically, are you really okay?

It’s the theme RUOK? is focusing on this year, encouraging all Aussies to pause and consider how people in their world are really going.

It falls in good-timing with the state government’s nation-leading suicide prevention law being introduce to parliament yesterday.

The Bill is the first of its kind nation-wide and builds on the states commitment to suicide prevention.

It’ll aim to establish a Suicide Prevention Council that will support the governments prevention program.

So while we ask those around us how they are going, consider delving deeper by asking if they are really okay? It may just open up that conversation they or even you need to support our mental health.

For help on how to start the conversation, or to find out how to get involved with this initiative visit:

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