Tonight, in recognition of his success in the Aussie social media scene, Jake was awarded Australia's #8 Top Influencer, at Australia's Top 50 Influencer Awards in Sydney.
Glam Adelaide is winding down for Christmas and Owner/Editor Kelly Noble has a few words to say before the New Year!
Say goodbye to warm beer forever, FROZEN Beer Co. is here!
Adelaide's very own Jake Bley is a star in his own right.
For some, blogging is nothing but a shameless form of self-promotion. And while it is, Adelaide has never bought into it. We don't have the 'laneway' culture that Melbourne has nor the pretension of Sydney. From my years of stalking (i.e. closely reading) Adelaide blogs, I’ve found that Adelaide bloggers are essentially driven by passion, confidence and the ease that comes with building a recognizable self-brand in our small city.