An up-to-the-minute rollercoaster ride of a thriller which will have you wanting more and questioning what you see on the internet.
Dr. Tori Swyft, the agent provocateur of John M. Green’s previous novels, The Trusted andThe Tao Deception, is back!
It has been almost five years since we last saw Tori and in that time a lot has changed, particularly the way the world sees things. In his latest novel, Double Deal, Green delivers a timely statement that reflects on Ben Franklin’s quote: “Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear.”
Whilst on a major diplomatic mission to negotiate a highly lucrative and sought-after deal with Greenland, Tori Swyft becomes embroiled in an international incident where the stakes are her very life.
Waking up in a hotel room, with her eyelids glued shut, Tori manages to prise them open, only to discover she is smack in the middle of a nightmare scenario. Two high-profile individuals lie around her, brutally and methodically slaughtered, and she has no recollection of how she came to be there.
Within minutes, a video is going viral. One that shows her committing the brutal acts of murder and, in an unfathomable show of disregard, winking at the camera as the video ends. Her only source of information comes from ‘The Voice’; one that sounds like a trusted friend and colleague. Could Frank Choundry
As Tori explores deeper, she is able to reveal the true nature of ‘The Voice’, its agenda, and the meaning of the book’s title truly comes to the fore. It’s all to do with double-dealing within political agendas and the new and seemingly unlimited abilities of tech-savvy individuals.
Green has pushed the boundaries of technological capacity, as he is known to do, to create a third excitement-charged thriller that rolls on like an out-of-control driverless vehicle (which also feature in one of the book’s pivotal scenes) as Tori tries to prove her innocence.
As with the previous two novels, at the end of the twists and turns, we find ourselves with a cliff-hanger and we will wait and see how long we have to hold on before Swyft (via Green) returns to satisfy our desire for more.
You can find our reviews of The Trusted here and The Tao Deception here.
Reviewed by Glen Christie
Distributed by: Pantera Press
Released: August 2021
RRP: $29.99