
The Top 20 Aussie Sports And Physical Activities Have Been Decided

Australia’s top 20 sports and physical activities have been revealed.

Australia’s top 20 sports and physical activities have been revealed and whether you’re madly dedicated to a specific exercise routine or just enjoy the occasional outdoor stroll, the list is filled with more surprises than you’d think.

1. Walking

With an incredibly high participation rate, it’s no wonder walking takes first place on the list. Whether we exercise on the daily or not, our everyday activities generally involve staying on our feet one way or another. If you’re looking for an easy way to improve your health, think about walking to the local shop instead of driving, or taking your dog out for an afternoon stroll.

2. Fitness/Gym

To all the gym junkies and fitness fanatics, second spot goes to you. Nearly seven million Australians hold a gym membership, with over three billion dollars spent annually on gym and fitness activities. There’s a gym on practically every corner in Adelaide, so if it’s something you’re keen on, check out the beginner trials offered.

3. Swimming

Now THIS is the one that surprised me. I mean sure, us Aussies love the beach, but with the cold weather approaching I’d definitely rather be rugged up near a heater. If you’re like me and the beach is out of the question in Winter, local pools and indoor swimming centres are great places to go for a swim. The perks of taking up swimming during the chillier weather just means less people to bump into whilst attempting the backstroke. Or is that just me?

4. Running/Athletics

Fourth place goes to running and athletics (running away from your responsibilities to watch the final season of Game of Thrones doesn’t count). Going for an afternoon run or getting involved in outdoor athletics can be loads of fun and a great way to burn off all that Easter chocolate (including the stash of eggs you’ve hidden in your bedside table for the surefire post-Easter withdrawals).

5. Cycling

Over two million Australians are fans of good old cycling. In fact, many people now ride to and from work on the daily. We’re not suggesting you completely ditch the car/bus/tram but picking up your old bike can take you back to childhood days whilst improving your well-being (it really can be as easy as riding a bike).

Below are the other activities that hit the top 20:

6. Football (1,767,288)
7. Tennis (1,202,011)
8. Bush walking (1,189,493)
9. Basketball (1,017,968)
10. Golf (1,015,150)
11. Yoga (984,362)
12. Australian Football (913,668)
13. Netball (901,903)
14. Cricket (798,618)
15. Dancing (688,293)
16. Pilates (585,706)
17. Surfing (508,015)
18. Gymnastics (489,058)
19. Touch Football (464,721)
20. Martial Arts (316,826)

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