Yep, you read that correctly. Wine Yoga is now a REAL thing and it’s coming to Adelaide.
If you’d like to mix your Sutra with a Shiraz, your Mantra with a Merlot, or your combine your Chakra with a Chardonnay, then “Wine Yoga” at Runaway Barossa Marathon on 21 October is the place to be.
Barossa Yogini, Natalia Bondarenko is inviting all athletes, supporters, friends, family and Barossa visitors to join her at the Finish Line Festival at Peter Lehmann Winery in Tanunda for a yoga class with a difference.
“Wine Yoga is something that we have pretty much invented for Runaway Barossa Marathon. It’s a little bit of fun and a nice way to help you appreciate your wine a little more, with a couple of stretchy poses and a little bit of partner yoga as well.”
“There are a couple of Tai Chi movements that I do at the moment where you have to imagine that you are holding something precious on the palm of your hand and I think we might try and translate that to reality and see how we go. It is a bit of fun and not to be taken it too seriously. Everyone is welcome to join in.”
In addition to the Wine Yoga, Natalia is also conducting more traditional yoga classes at Runaway Barossa Marathon to assist athletes with their post race recovery and to help reduce the stresses of life.
“We will be holding four sessions from 10am and going through to 4pm. They will be spaced out during the day, so hopefully people can catch one of the classes or even a bit of a class is they want to wander in. You can come and have your fix and then head off and do something else if you need to.”
“The wine is just going to be a little bit of added fun and a reward. If you have run anywhere from 10-42km I think you deserve a glass of wine at the end of the event. After you have properly hydrated of course.”
Runaway Barossa Marathon not only immerses you in the unique wine and food experience the Barossa region is famous for, but also allows you to indulge in your passion for running offering brand new, innovative and creative marathon and half marathon courses (and 10km and kid’s runs) among the beautiful countryside and patchwork quilt of paddocks and vines of this stunning destination.
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